Sebastião Salgado – A Photographic Journey
In keeping with the New Hampshire Center for Photography’s mission to focus on photographic education and history, Becky Field and Michael Sterling will hold a Zoom session on Wednesday, March 12 at 7:00PM on the extensive work of photographer, Sebastião Salgado.
Born in Brazil, Salgado is an internationally renowned photographer. His work is photojournalistic with emphasis on global social and environmental issues. His black and white photos are emotionally searing and intense. Over his 81 years, he has traveled around the world in capturing the high points and low points of people and landscapes. He is a recipient of numerous awards and honors. His work has been both lauded and criticized for the nature of its content.
The Zoom presentation will start with brief biographical information. We will then show a short video narrated by the photographer, where he discusses his life’s work. Then we will end the session with an open discussion focusing on the merits of his work and the challenges of photographing emotionally intense topics.
Session led by Becky Field and Michael Sterling
New Hampshire Society of Photographic Artists