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84 photo(s)
Updated on: 29 Mar 2021
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Jupiter-9 2/80 (M42 original mount) that a Lens guru in Kiev modified for Nikon F flange focal distance
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Long, Hot Pandemic
Long, Hot Pandemic
West Bridge Street East, looking into West Manchester
Pentax 67 2.8/165, 6x7 medium format adapted to Nikon F
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Hot Rod Menace
Hot Rod Menace
Jupiter-36B 3.5/250 adapted to Nikon F
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Soldiers' Monument, Veterans' Park, Manchester, NH, USA
Jupiter-36B 3.5/250 (6x6 medium format) adapted to Nikon F
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Portrait of the Orchid as a Young Lady
Portrait of the Orchid as a Young Lady
Pentax 67 4/45 on a 14mm macro ring
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Petzval Cherry
Petzval Cherry
Mir-1 2.8/37 on a very short (7mm) macro ring.
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Magnolia Creme
Magnolia Creme
Olympus OM g.Zuiko 1.2/55 on a 14mm extension tube
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Geisha Slipper
Geisha Slipper
Lady's slipper orchid, Fremont, New Hampshire
Jupiter-9 2/85 on a 14mm extension tube (what some call a macro ring).
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"Sunflower Hippie"
"Sunflower Hippie"
Nikon 28-300mm - a fave from back in my heavy HDR tonemapping days
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Coronavirus Corner
Coronavirus Corner
Kelley Street, Manchester
Jupiter-36B 3.5/250 (6x6 medium format) adapted to Nikon F
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Cemetery Panorama
Cemetery Panorama
Candia Congregational Church Cemetery, Candia, NH
CZJ Sonnar 2.8/180 adapted to Nikon F, 5-panel bokeh panorama stitched in Photoshop.
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"Shirkin Bog"
"Shirkin Bog"
Fremont, NH
Bronica 2.8/75 (645 medium format) adapted to Nikon F
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Hanover Street Dazzle
Hanover Street Dazzle
Pentax 67 3.5/55 on a tilt-shift adapter to Nikon F
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Social Distance Saturday
Social Distance Saturday
City Hall Plaza, Manchester, 03/21/2020
Pentax 67 3.5/55 on a tilt-shift adapter to Nikon F
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Pentax 67 2.4/105 on a tilt-shift adapter to Nikon F
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The Hiker
The Hiker
Spanish-American War memorial at Bronstein Park
Panoramic image stitched from 42 panels
CZJ Sonnar 2.8/180 adapted to Nikon F, all on a Nodal Ninja tripod pano head
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Big Pink Tenement on Bremer Street
Big Pink Tenement on Bremer Street
CZJ Sonnar 2.8/180, 6x6 medium format, adapted to Nikon F
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Stark Raving
Stark Raving
Monument to Major General John Stark, the Revolutionary War hero who coined the phrase and NH state motto, "Live free or die." @ Stark Park
CZJ Sonnar 2.8/180, 6x6 med. format on Ni
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The Creche
The Creche
Valley Cemetery, where the New Stephen was born at dusk
Bronica 2.8/100, a 6x6 medium format lens adapted to Nikon F
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ManchVegas Last Night
ManchVegas Last Night
I'm going to fall in love with my new city even if it's a match made in Hell.
Pentax 67 3.5/55 on a tilt-shift adapter to Nikon F (@ f/3.5 for max. bokeh)
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Espace Saint-Grégoire
Espace Saint-Grégoire
Beauport Borough, Quebec, QC, Canada
Nikon 28-300 zoom
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Portsmouth Tug
Portsmouth Tug
Pentax 67 2.4/105 on a tilt-shift adapter to Nikon F
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Invisible Piano
Invisible Piano
Pentax 67 2.4/105 on a tilt-shift adapter to Nikon F
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Kieran's Mom Psychedelic Composite
Kieran's Mom Psychedelic Composite
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Portsmouth Has Photographers Like a Dog Has Fleas
Portsmouth Has Photographers Like a Dog Has Fleas
Pentax 67 2.4/105 on a tilt-shift adapter to Nikon F
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Commercial Alley
Commercial Alley
Pentax 67 2.4/105 on a tilt-shift adapter to Nikon F
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High Street
High Street
Pentax 67 2.4/105 on a tilt-shift adapter to Nikon F
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Fremont Meetinghouse
Fremont Meetinghouse
Pentax 67 2.4/105 on a tilt-shift adapter to Nikon F
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Home of the Fremont Grange
Home of the Fremont Grange
This photo will grace the Town of Fremont 2020 Annual Report cover.
Pentax 67 2.4/105 adapted to Nikon F
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Exeter River
Exeter River
Fremont, NH
Pentax 67 2.8/165 adapted to Nikon F
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Winterberry Sunset
Winterberry Sunset
Meyer-Optik Görlitz Orestegor 4/200, native Nikon mount
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Rockingham Recreational Trail, Fremont Branch(es)
Rockingham Recreational Trail, Fremont Branch(es)
Pentax 67 2.8/165 adapted to Nikon F
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Exeter River Wetlands
Exeter River Wetlands
Danville, NH
Zenza Bronica Zenzanon MC 2.8/50 (645 medium format) adapted to Nikon F
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Twenty-two January
Twenty-two January
Zenza Bronica Zenzanon 2.8/100 (SQ mount - 6x6 medium format) adapted to Nikon F
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Lugubrious Leo
Lugubrious Leo
Lion sculpture at Lafayette Park in Manchester
CZJ Sonnar 2.8/180 (6x6 medium format) adapted to Nikon F
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Terminator II
Terminator II
I think it's a freelensed image using a Mamiya Sekor C 1.9/80 with my Nikon D610. That's one problem with non-CPU lenses on digital cameras: No metadata.
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November Garden
November Garden
Pentax 67 2.8/165 adapted to Nikon F
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Private Property
Private Property
Pentax 67 2.4/105 on a Fotodiox Pro TLT ROKR tilt-shift adapter to Nikon F
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Mayor Pete in Portsmouth
Mayor Pete in Portsmouth
Pentax 67 2.4/105 on a Fotodiox Pro TLT ROKR tilt-shift adapter to Nikon F
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We're Gonna Need a Bigger Bottle
We're Gonna Need a Bigger Bottle
Pentax 67 2.8/165 on a Fotodiox Pro TLT ROKR tilt-shift adapter to Nikon F
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Portland Head Light
Portland Head Light
Pentax 67 2.4/105 on a Fotodiox Pro TLT ROKR tilt-shift adapter to Nikon F
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Perkins Cove
Perkins Cove
Pentax 67 2.4/105 on a Fotodiox Pro TLT ROKR tilt-shift adapter to Nikon F
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Pocket Park on the Piscataqua
Pocket Park on the Piscataqua
Pentax 67 4/45 on a Fotodiox Pro TLT ROKR tilt-shift adapter to Nikon F
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Shapleigh Island Lobster Company Wharf
Shapleigh Island Lobster Company Wharf
Pentax 67 4.5/75 on a Fotodiox Pro TLT ROKR tilt-shift adapter to Nikon F
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Pentax 67 2.4/105 on a Fotodiox Pro TLT ROKR tilt-shift adapter to Nikon F
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Parc de la Chute-Montmorency
Parc de la Chute-Montmorency
Early October
Nikon 28 - 300 zoom lens
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Winterberries on the Shrivel
Winterberries on the Shrivel
I'm pretty sure I used a Helios-2 1.5/85 on an extension tube for this one. No metadata with vintage lenses, so I go by a (sometimes ... uh, often) faulty memory.
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Helios 40-2 1.5/85 (native Nikon mount)
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Route 101 Epping
Route 101 Epping
Camera held steady on the dashboard while driving in congested traffic at night when it was raining. Don't try this at home, kids.
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Not Now I'm Busy
Not Now I'm Busy
At the Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré near Quebec City.
Volna-3 2.8/80 (freelensed)
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Bas Relief Mary and Child
Bas Relief Mary and Child
On the face of an auberge cross the street from the basilica in Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, QC.
Volna-3 2.8/80 (freelensed)
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Space Berries
Space Berries
Tiny rose hips after an ice storm
Olympus OM g.Zuiko 1.2/55 adapted to Nikon F with an intermediate corrective lens
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Ice Storm Sunset
Ice Storm Sunset
Mamiya A 2.8/150 (645 medium format) adapted to Nikon F
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Ice Berries
Ice Berries
Tiny small white variety of rambling rose hips
Olympus OM g.Zuiko 1.2/55 adapted to Nikon with a corrective lens
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Ice Hips
Ice Hips
Olympus OM g.Zuiko 1.2/55 w/glass adapter on extension tube to Nikon F (I didn't really need the glass adapter for extension tube macros but I didn't realize that at the time)
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Christmas Ornaments on a Fake Tree
Christmas Ornaments on a Fake Tree
Olympus OM g.Zuiko 1.2/55 on an extension tube to Nikon F
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Olympus OM g.Zuiko on an extension tube to Sony A
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Exeter Amtrak Depot
Exeter Amtrak Depot
Olympus OM g.Zuiko mounted to Nikon F with a glass adapter
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Zenza Bronica Zenzanon 2.8/50 adapted to Nikon F
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LaCava's Condemned
LaCava's Condemned
Pentax 67 4/45 on a Fotodiox Pro TLT-ROKR tilt-shift adapter to Nikon F
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