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NH Center for Photography


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Artificial intelligence in/vs Photography

  • 11 Oct 2023
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Zoom link will be sent to those who register


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Zoom Season is here and the hottest topic in town is up first. 

AI and what does it mean to photography?

If you haven’t noticed, a really interesting article* has been making the rounds at NHSPA. Written by architect/photographer Rick Hulbert, it thoughtfully describes what AI is and what it might mean to us photographers.

We recently contacted Rick and he’s agreed to join us Wednesday, October 11th @ 7:00PM EST, for a conversation on the subject.

Rick’s a real delight to spend time with and approaches the subject even handedly.

Mark your calendars, for the 11th. For more specifics on the subject and Rick, here’s a few links:

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