Michael Sterling has been a member of the New Hampshire Society of Photographic Artist since 2013. He first picked up a camera when he was in high school and was motivated to continue after winning an honorable mention in a national Kodak high school photography contest. After retiring and moving to the NH Seacoast about 15 years ago, he transitioned from film to digital photography and became more serious about it.

Michael says, “I want to create images that draw the viewer in for a closer look. I work on projects to keep creatively engaged. I was privileged to be a co-editor of the NH Now book along with Gary Samson and Dan Gingras. [I gained] new perspectives on evaluating imagery.”

While Michael enjoys today’s digital cameras and post-processing, he says, “I do not chase technology. [I’m] comfortable with what I use now. I spent many years in a home black and white chemical darkroom." He feels that digital processing is easier for him because of his darkroom experience. "It was a great way to learn. [Working in] black and white forced me to look at an image’s line, form, lighting, and composition, without being distracted by color. In fact, today I often change my camera’s viewfinder to [monochrome] as I compose a shot.”

Michael is always working on several projects at a time. Ongoing subjects include architecture and environmental portraiture. Lately, he has been busy with photography assignments for Portsmouth NH 400 events. But he enjoys street photography. “I try to have my camera with me ‘just in case’". He is also currently working on a portraiture project and has plans to start a new landscape project in the fall. In editing the NH Now book, he saw images of parts of the state that were new to him and which he plans to explore for his new project.